Published Articles and Preprints:
(with X. T. Duong, J. Li, E. T. Sawyer, B. D. Wick, D. Yang) A Two weight inequality for Calderón-Zygmund operators on spaces of homogeneous type with applications, Journal of Functional Analysis (2021) 281 (9), 109190.
(with R. Gong, J. Li, E. Pozzi) A note on commutators on weighted Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type, Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces (2020)(8), 305-334.
(with J. M. Conde-Alonso, F. Di Plinio, I. Parissis) A metric approach to sparse domination, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (2022) 201 (4), 1-37.
(with R. Gong, Q. Wu, P. Xie) Boundedness and Compactness of Cauchy-Type integral commutator on weighted Morrey spaces, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (2022) 113 (1), 36-56.
(with B. Jaye) Even singular integral operators that are well behaved on a purely unrectifiable set, Proceedings of AMS, 152 (12), 5105-5116.
(with B. Jaye) A sharp sufficient condition for mobile sampling in Terms of surface density, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (2024) (72), 101670.
(with J. Fan, M. Lacey, J. Li, B. D. Wick) Besov space, Schatten classes and commutators of Riesz transforms associated with the Neumann Laplacian, Michigan Mathematical Journal, 1(1), 1-26.
(with P. Chen, M. Lacey, J. Li) Compactness of the Bloom sparse operators and applications, preprint (2022) arXiv:2204.11990, submitted.
(with R. Gong, Q. Wu) A note on two weight commutators of maximal functions on spaces of homogeneous type, preprint (2020) arXiv:2012.00575, submitted.
Commutators of Maximal Operators on Weighted Morrey Spaces MN Vempati arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.14767, submitted.
(with M. T. Lacey, H. Mousavi, Y. Rahimi) A Density Theorem for Higher Order Sums of Prime Numbers, arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.01296.
(with M. Lacey, J. Li, B. D. Wick) On commutator of Cauchy integral along Lipschitz Curves. (Preprint available)